Caring For Your Dog After Their Desexing Surgery


Desexing your dog prevents unwanted litters of puppies and is considered to have health and behavioural benefits. In male dogs, the procedure involves having both testicles surgically removed under general anaesthetic, and desexing is said to reduce aggressive or territorial behaviour and reduce the chance of your dog developing some types of cancer and prostate problems. In female dogs, the procedure involves removing the uterus and ovaries, and desexing is said to significantly reduce the risk of your dog developing mammary cancer and urinary tract infections. Desexing surgery is carried out as a day case procedure, but your dog will require time and support to recover. Here are a few tips for caring for your dog after their desexing surgery:

Provide A Quiet Environment

Your dog will need a calm, quiet environment to rest and recover in after their surgery. If you have other pets or young children at home, you may want to consider setting up your dog's bed in a room away from the main living areas in your home. Boisterous pets and kids can easily land on or bump into your recovering dog or just prevent them from getting the rest they need to recover.

Monitor Wounds

Your dog will have stitches at the site of their wound and will likely have to wear an Elizabethan head collar to prevent them from licking or biting the stitches. You should also monitor their wound for signs of infection or problems healing. Any redness, swelling, discharge or signs your dog is in significant pain should be reported to your vet right away. Additionally, you should ensure the wound is kept clean by following the care instructions provided by your vet and keeping your dog's bedding and general living environment clean.

Feed Little And Often

Your dog should continue to be fed a high-quality, nutritious diet during their recovery. However, it's not uncommon for dog's to experience nausea for a few days after surgery, which can cause them to lose their appetite or vomit after eating and drinking. To help your dog stay hydrated and nourished, offer them small quantities of food and water at regular intervals throughout the day.

Limit Activity

Your dog's activity levels should be reduced during recovery to allow their wound to heal. Long walks, jumping up on furniture and playing with toys should be avoided until your vet gives the go-ahead at your dog's follow-up appointment. Depending on your dog's personality, you may have to confine them to one room or temporarily use a pet crate to prevent them from overdoing it for a few days.

Pet desexing is a routine surgical procedure with a low incidence of complications. However, if you have any concerns about your dog's health after their surgery, you should contact your vet immediately and arrange for your dog to be checked over.   


24 April 2020

Dog Dental Care Tips

From a young age, children are taught about the importance of regular dental care and this advice is followed through adulthood. When it comes to your dog, dental care is just as important as it is for humans but the topic is not often widely discussed. Veterinarians are often alerted to dog dental care issues once they erupt, but proper care of a dog's teeth helps prevent issues from arising. When looking for dog dental care tips, it is important to find the information in one place, and that is what is available to you here. Use these helpful dental care tips to reduce the odds of your pet needing a trip to the vet to repair teeth issues.