Four Ways Your Vet Can Help Your Dog's Ear Infection


Some dog breeds are more susceptible to ear infections than others. That's because some dogs have more hair in their ears, which traps moisture and dirt that can lead to infection. Other dogs have shorter hair or droopy ears that make it easier for bacteria and other contaminants to get inside the ear canal. If your dog has an ear infection, it can be painful and frustrating to treat. But there are several ways you can help soothe your pet's symptoms and get them back to their old self in no time.

Here are four ways your vet can help your dog's ear infection:

1) Your Vet Can Examine The Ear For Signs Of Infection

Signs of infection may include:

  • The ears being red and warm to the touch
  • Your dog shaking his head frequently or pawing at an ear
  • A foul odour coming from the ear canal
  • Discharge (waxy, bloody, or brown) coming from an ear

Your vet will first examine your dog's ear to make sure there's no foreign object lodged inside. If there is, they'll remove it. They'll also look at the shape of the ear canal to see if there are any abnormalities that could be causing the problem. And finally, they'll check for signs of infection by examining your dog's discharge and possibly taking a sample of it.

2) Your Vet Can Clean The Ear

Your vet can flush out your dog's ear with saline solution or other cleaning solutions. This will help remove any debris that may be stuck in the ear canal and kill off any bacteria that may be causing an infection. They can also use a cotton swab to gently remove any excess wax from inside the ear before moving on to further treatment. 

3) Your Vet Can Cauterise The Ear

If your dog's ear infection is severe, your vet may need to cauterise it. Cauterisation is a procedure where they use an electric needle to burn off the dead skin inside the ear canal, which will help prevent any further infections from forming. If there is an open wound in the ear canal, it will be sealed with either heat or aesthetic so that it can heal properly.

4) Your Vet Can Prescribe Antibiotics Drops

If your dog's ear infection is caused by bacteria, your vet may prescribe antibiotic drops to kill off the germs. There are also other medications that the vet might recommend such as pain relievers, antifungals, or antibacterial ointments.

If your dog has an ear infection, it's important that you take them to the vet as soon as possible. Your vet may clean out the ear canal and prescribe antibiotics or other medications depending on the cause of the infection.

For more info, visit a local vet


30 January 2023

Dog Dental Care Tips

From a young age, children are taught about the importance of regular dental care and this advice is followed through adulthood. When it comes to your dog, dental care is just as important as it is for humans but the topic is not often widely discussed. Veterinarians are often alerted to dog dental care issues once they erupt, but proper care of a dog's teeth helps prevent issues from arising. When looking for dog dental care tips, it is important to find the information in one place, and that is what is available to you here. Use these helpful dental care tips to reduce the odds of your pet needing a trip to the vet to repair teeth issues.