What to Do if Your Cat Won't Eat Anything


As a cat owner, it can be worrying when your feline friend refuses to eat their food. A loss of appetite can be due to a number of things, from a change in environment to an underlying medical issue. This blog post will take a look at what you can do if your cat won't eat anything and how to encourage them to start eating again.

Determine the Cause:

The first thing you should do is try to identify the cause of your cat's loss of appetite. Have you recently moved to a new home? Have you changed their food? Is there a new pet in the house that's causing stress? Try to identify any changes or stressors in your cat's life that may be causing eating problems. If you can't pinpoint any reasons for the loss of appetite, it may be time to visit the vet.

Make Their Food More Appealing:

There are a few things you can do to make your cat's food more appealing. Try warming up their food in the microwave for a few seconds to increase its aroma. You can also add a little bit of low-sodium chicken broth to the food to make it taste more appealing. Additionally, try feeding your cat their food from a new bowl or plate if they've been eating from the same dish for a long time.

Offer Variety:

Cats can be finicky eaters, so offering variety can help to entice them to start eating again. Try offering different flavours of cat food or even small amounts of human food, such as boiled chicken or tuna. Just be sure to avoid any human foods that are toxic to cats.

Don't Force Your Cat to Eat:

While it can be tempting to force your cat to eat, this approach is not recommended. Forcing your cat to eat can cause further stress and anxiety, making it even harder for them to start eating normally again. Instead, try to encourage your cat to eat by following the suggestions in this blog post, and be patient as they adjust to any changes.

Visit the Vet:

If your cat still won't eat anything after a few days, or if they show any other worrying symptoms, it's important to visit the vet. Loss of appetite can be a sign of an underlying medical issue, so it's essential to have your cat checked out by a professional. Your vet can also offer further advice on how to encourage your cat to eat.

Cats can be difficult to please when it comes to food, but there are things you can do if your feline friend won't eat anything. By determining the cause, making their food more appealing, offering variety, avoiding force-feeding and visiting the vet when necessary, you can help your cat to start eating normally again. Remember to be patient and provide your cat with lots of love and attention during this time.

Contact a local vet to learn more. 


1 December 2023

Dog Dental Care Tips

From a young age, children are taught about the importance of regular dental care and this advice is followed through adulthood. When it comes to your dog, dental care is just as important as it is for humans but the topic is not often widely discussed. Veterinarians are often alerted to dog dental care issues once they erupt, but proper care of a dog's teeth helps prevent issues from arising. When looking for dog dental care tips, it is important to find the information in one place, and that is what is available to you here. Use these helpful dental care tips to reduce the odds of your pet needing a trip to the vet to repair teeth issues.