Puppy Training Tips


Puppies can be some of the world's cutest creatures, but they can be a lot of work if they misbehave. Luckily, there are many ways to train your puppy using treats, toys and some fun activities. This post will explore strategies you can use to reward and encourage your dog to learn a new skill or behaviour.

Start as early as possible

This is important as it will help you form long-term relationships with your pup.

Keep it positive

Avoid making your puppy feel bad when they do something wrong. This could damage the relationship you have with them. This is important if you want to train your puppy without upsetting them! Ignoring bad behaviour is a good way to show that you don't like it. If you're consistent with this, your dog will learn that they do not get attention for doing things that make you cross. Always reinforce good behaviour and reward your pup with a treat or toy for their achievements!

Give clear instructions

Your pup should understand what's being asked of them before being rewarded for doing it well. For example, if you want your pup to 'sit', it's best to use the command before they sit down rather than afterwards. Your pup will learn that repeating a good behaviour results in a reward, and this could encourage them to repeat the task.  Over time, your pup will learn that when they follow your commands, they are rewarded. Once they have learnt this new behaviour, you will find your pet obeys you even when they are not given a treat or toy.

Be consistent

You need to be consistent with your puppy training before you can be successful. You should use the same methods and commands for the same tasks every time if you want your dog to learn. This is important as if you are not consistent, your dog may become confused about what it is expected to do.

Have patience

Don't expect success straight away. Remember that it takes time to build a strong relationship with your puppy, so be patient when training. If you find that you are struggling with your canine companion, try seeking advice from a professional dog trainer or behaviourist. They will be able to help you correct any mistakes that your puppy is making and ensure they learn everything they need to know!


Training your puppy can take some time, but it's worth the effort as you will gain a happy, well-behaved pet in return. Contact a puppy training professional for more advice.


19 August 2021

Dog Dental Care Tips

From a young age, children are taught about the importance of regular dental care and this advice is followed through adulthood. When it comes to your dog, dental care is just as important as it is for humans but the topic is not often widely discussed. Veterinarians are often alerted to dog dental care issues once they erupt, but proper care of a dog's teeth helps prevent issues from arising. When looking for dog dental care tips, it is important to find the information in one place, and that is what is available to you here. Use these helpful dental care tips to reduce the odds of your pet needing a trip to the vet to repair teeth issues.